Project Pneuma has 8 primary core programs we focus on with our boys. Each focus hones in on specific areas to push every young man to reach his fullest potential.
Project Pneuma prepares our boys with the tools for a life-long journey in terms of developing impulse control, building respectful relationships, developing our principles, values, and reaching their full potential as human beings.
Project Pneuma prides ourselves on the abilities of the body. This is why we teach our young men that physical fitness is a state of health and overall well-being.
Project Pneuma helps our boys increase mental and physical awareness. We do this through yoga and mindfulness practices. This way our boys improve their emotional regulations. They also become attuned and centered with their body.
Project Pneuma implements the practice of Martial Arts. Our boys learn to understand the power of mind over body in our Martial Art practices. This cultivates our young men into Pneuma Warriors with integrity, perseverance, and honor.
Project Pneuma wants to ensure that we give our boys every opportunity to experience everything that life has to offer. Many inner city youth often don’t see beyond what they experience in their communities.
Project Pneuma understands the importance of allowing young men to creatively express themselves. They engage in a creative process which connects an art form to a certain subject and evolves.
Project Pneuma understands with time and practice, a child's communication skills and increased confidence will excel. They will also be well versed in all aspects of their lives which will be an asset for years to come.